Shame and Addiction - How to Overcome it

Shame, an intense, self-deprecating emotion, often underlies many behavioral patterns including addiction. It can give rise to dark thoughts and if left unchecked, catalyze a downward spiral into substance abuse or addictive behaviors. Therefore an essential part of overcoming addiction is dealing with the sense of shame that usually accompanies it.

July 15, 2023
Dr. Daren Lipshitz

Shame is often at the root of relapse and addiction. This article delves deeper into the entwined relationship between shame and addiction. We’ll also differentiate it from guilt and provide practical insights on overcoming it.

Understanding Shame and Its Impact on Addiction

Shame plays a significant role in the development and perpetuation of addiction. It becomes a breeding ground for self-destructive behaviors that fuel your addictive cycle and make it difficult for you to maintain sobriety.

You may have turned to substance abuse in the past as a means to escape or numb your feelings temporarily. The shame you feel during your recovery can trigger you to take similar actions, leading to relapse.

What Does Shame in Addiction Look Like?

Shame can manifest in various ways for individuals grappling with addiction. Here are five common examples:


People experiencing shame often blame themselves for their addiction. It can be a deeply internalized belief of being inherently flawed, leading to feelings of worthlessness and self-sabotage. This can erode your self-esteem and self-worth, leading to mental health issues and relapse.

Stigma and Judgment

Society's perception of addiction can contribute to your feelings of shame. Due to the stigma associated with addiction, you may feel compelled to hide your substance use or isolate yourself from others. This can lead to a heightened sense of shame and the need to maintain a façade. This can be a significant barrier for you when seeking help and recovering.

Isolation and Withdrawal

Shame often leads to social isolation, making you feel embarrassed or unworthy of support and connection. You may withdraw from relationships, avoid social situations, and increase your sense of isolation. This, in turn, can make it hard for you to get the support you need while recovering.

It is important to note that shame is not an inherent characteristic of addiction but rather a result of societal attitudes and personal experiences. Overcoming shame is essential to addiction recovery, as it allows you to develop self-compassion, an integral quality for successful recovery. Once you overcome shame, you find it much easier to seek support to recover and pursue a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Shame vs. Guilt: Unraveling the Difference

Shame and guilt are often intertwined emotions, but understanding their distinctions is crucial to comprehend their impact on addiction.

Shame goes beyond guilt by encompassing a deep sense of personal inadequacy and self-blame. It is a pervasive feeling of unworthiness that affects your core identity. For example, an individual struggling with addiction may feel shame when thinking, "I am a terrible person because of my addiction."

In this case, shame is focused on the person's identity. This can hinder their recovery by reinforcing negative self-beliefs and preventing them from seeking help or support.

In contrast, guilt tends to focus on remorse for a specific action. For example, an individual experiencing guilt in addiction recovery may think, "I feel guilty for the hurt I caused my family due to my addiction. I am responsible for my actions and need to make amends."

Here, guilt is centered around the specific behavior or actions that have negatively impacted others. Guilt, when appropriately channeled, can serve as a motivator for positive change and growth in recovery.

The Vicious Cycle: Shame and Addiction

Could your shame be driving your addictive behaviors?

When you experience feelings of shame, you may turn to addictive substances or behaviors to cope or seek temporary relief. Unfortunately, this reliance on addictive behaviors only deepens the sense of shame, creating a vicious cycle that becomes increasingly difficult to break.

Addiction itself can intensify feelings of shame, creating a self-perpetuating loop. As the addiction progresses, you might engage in behaviors that conflict with your values and beliefs, leading to a heightened sense of guilt, remorse, and self-blame. This only deepens your feelings of shame, and you might feel stuck in a loop of self-blaming and substance abuse.

Overcoming Shame in Addiction Recovery

Shame takes a significant toll on self-esteem and mental well-being. It erodes self-worth, leading individuals to view themselves through a lens of inadequacy and unworthiness.

This negative self-perception can have far-reaching consequences, contributing to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. So, how can you work to understand and overcome your shame?

Practice Self-Compassion

  • As you begin your journey to recovery, treat yourself with kindness and understanding, and recognize that everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
  • Acknowledge and embrace your experiences, including the shame that may have fueled addiction, without judgment or self-condemnation.
  • Challenge your negative self-talk. Identify and reframe self-deprecating thoughts and beliefs and replace them with more empowering and realistic affirmations.
  • Forgive yourself. Let go of self-blame and embrace the possibility of growth and change.

Try Therapeutic Approaches

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs contributing to shame. It encourages replacing self-critical thoughts with more realistic and compassionate ones.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) focuses on developing mindfulness and emotional regulation skills, helping you break the cycle of shame and addictive behaviors.

Build Resilience and Self-Esteem

  • Resilience helps individuals bounce back from setbacks, cope with challenges, and maintain their commitment to recovery.
  • Build yourself up and work on your self-esteem to improve your sense of self-worth, self-acceptance, and confidence.
  • Prioritize activities that nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Practice self-care rituals that bring you joy and help you reconnect with yourself.
  • Explore hobbies or creative outlets such as writing, art, music, or dance to express and process your emotions. Creativity can be a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery.

Seek Support

  • Surround yourself with a supportive network of trusted individuals or support groups who understand and validate your experiences.
  • Share your journey and struggles with others who can offer empathy and encouragement.
  • Support systems, such as therapy and support groups, can be invaluable resources to help you overcome shame during addiction recovery.
  • Trained therapists and addiction specialists can provide specialized guidance and tailored treatment approaches to help you on your path to sobriety.

By incorporating these strategies, you can break free from the shame that fuels your addiction. They will help you cultivate self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and a renewed sense of self-worth, laying a solid foundation for lasting recovery and personal transformation as you heal.

Remember, reaching out for support is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your commitment to healing and growth.

And you are not alone on this journey. Studio 64 Recovery is here to support you every step of the way. We offer a range of comprehensive addiction recovery programs, and our compassionate team is dedicated to helping individuals overcome shame and achieve lasting recovery.

Let us guide you on your path to a healed and healthy life, full of purpose and joy and free of shame. Take the first step towards a brighter future at Studio 64 Recovery today.

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