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How to Create a Relapse Prevention Plan After Recovery

What is a relapse prevention plan and why is it helpful after going through a recovery program? We're here to help you understand why having a plan after leaving a recovery program is essential for your success. Here, you'll learn how to map out your future in recovery with realistic expectations and goals by creating a relapse prevention plan.

February 15, 2023
Dr. Daren Lipshitz

Creating Your Own Relapse Prevention Plan

Relapse prevention is an integral part of early recovery. Making a relapse prevention strategy is crucial when starting your recovery journey. A crucial phase of your recovery is developing a strategy to prevent relapses. This plan will help you stay on track and maintain your sobriety.

After seeking help through a recovery program such as Studio 64 Recovery, you will have identified your triggers, as well as the root of where your addiction stemmed from. With this knowledge, you can plan ahead for a successful and lasting recovery by mapping out your relapse prevention. How you’ll avoid triggers, how to ask for support, where to find support, and how to channel your energy in healthy ways are all a part of your planning in a relapse prevention plan.

Understanding the Benefits of Having a Relapse Prevention Plan

When you first get sober, knowing what you should do to stay sober can be challenging. This is where relapse prevention plans come in handy. A relapse prevention plan is a document or blueprint that outlines what you need to do to stay sober. It can include who you will contact for support, what triggers to avoid, and how to deal with cravings. Creating a relapse prevention plan is a great way to start your journey to sobriety. You are more likely to achieve success if you take the time to pause and consider what you must do to maintain sobriety.

There are many benefits to having a relapse prevention plan. First, it can help to keep you accountable. When you have a plan, you are more likely to stick to it. Second, a relapse prevention plan can help you to identify your triggers. You may prevent triggers by being aware of them. Finally, a relapse prevention plan can help you to develop a support network. When you have a support network, you will have people to turn to when you are struggling.

Many resources are available if you are interested in creating a relapse prevention plan. You can find templates and worksheets online. You can also discuss creating a relapse prevention plan with your therapist or counselor. When created correctly, a relapse prevention plan provides a roadmap to sobriety and gives you the tools you need to stay sober.

Prepare Yourself With Education and Tools

It's crucial to take each day as it comes and concentrate on maintaining your sobriety when you're in the early stages of recovery. But it's also crucial to start thinking about the future and what you'll need to do to stay sober. That's where relapse prevention planning comes in.

Your relapse prevention plan will likely include the following:

  • Identifying your triggers
  • Avoiding high-risk situations
  • Developing a support network
  • Managing stress and other emotions
  • Building Healthy coping skills

Identify Your Triggers and Cravings

It's essential to be proactive in your recovery and know your triggers and cravings. This way, you can develop a plan to deal with them before they become a problem. Some common triggers for relapse can include:

  • Stressful situations
  • Being around people who are using drugs or alcohol
  • Feeling down or sad
  • Major life changes
  • Being in a new environment

It's also important to be aware of your personal cravings. Some people might crave alcohol, others might crave drugs, and others might crave specific foods or activities. Identifying your triggers and cravings is essential in creating a relapse prevention plan. Once you know your triggers and cravings, you can start to develop a plan to deal with them. This might involve avoiding certain situations, practicing self-care, or reaching out to a support network.

Look Into Addiction Treatment Options That Work for You

Once you have identified your triggers, you must look into addiction treatment options that will help you manage them. This might include attending recovery meetings, finding an addiction specialist or counselor to meet with on a reoccurring basis, joining a support group, and/or reading materials or listening to podcasts that help you stay inspired to continue your recovery.

Regarding relapse prevention, it is essential to remember that one size does not fit all. What works for someone else might not work for you, and vice versa. That is why it is essential to find an addiction treatment option that feels right for you and that you are comfortable with.

Learn the Self-Care Behaviors That Help Curb Relapse

Now that you have your relapse prevention plan, it's time to start implementing it. One of the most essential parts of preventing relapse is to focus on self-care and building healthy habits. This can include exercising regularly, meditating, journaling and spending time with friends.

It is important to learn and explore more methods of self-care that can help you curb relapse, including techniques for managing cravings and emotional triggers. By taking care of yourself and prioritizing your mental and emotional health, you can stay on track with your recovery goals.

Relapse prevention is an essential part of recovery. By taking steps to care for yourself and stay aware of your triggers, you can increase your chances of success. By planning ahead for a sober future you can ensure that you get the support and resources you’ll need to build a strong relapse prevention plan.

Developing healthy habits like exercise, meditation, and journaling can help you manage cravings and avoid triggers.

Implement Your Relapse Prevention Plan

Now that you have your relapse prevention plan, it's time to start taking action. To make sure you're successful in staying sober and preventing relapse we recommend that you share your plan with at least one other person who can help you stay accountable and check in on your progress.

When creating your relapse prevention plan, be as specific as possible. The more detailed your plan, the less chance you have of relapsing. Remember to include your triggers and cravings, activities that interest you that you plan to actively pursue to help channel your energy in a healthy way, and include what you know you need to actively avoid moving forward. This can include people, places, songs, shows, and anything else you know might trigger you. Most importantly, make sure to stay connected to your support system and ask for help when you need it.

You’ve already taken the first, and often the hardest step, which is attending a recovery program and getting clean. From here, the choice is yours about how you’d like to move forward with your life and the future you want for yourself.

If you feel overwhelmed or struggle to stay on track, feel free to reach out for help. Someone is always willing to listen and help you get back on track. Keep in mind that you are not traveling alone. With the right tools and support, you can reach your goals and stay sober for the rest of your life.

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