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Meet Bill Leavit

Common Questions

How long does the Studio 64 Recovery IOP last?
Each client enters our program with a unique set of circumstances. Based on this, it is difficult to prescribe an exact length of time that each client will need to receive treatment. With that said, most IOPs run 30 to 60 days. We prefer to simply say treatment takes as long as it takes until our client has established a solid basis for recovery.
Where should I set my expectations?
As you enter our IOP, you should expect a full recovery from your addiction. We hope to counsel you into believing you deserve a better life than you have as an addict. If you enter rehab with the right mindset, you can succeed at arresting your addiction and avoiding future relapses.
What would my treatment schedule look like?
Our Studio 64 Recovery Center IOPs are flexible enough to allow us to reasonably work around your schedule. You can plan on reporting for treatment 3 to 5 days a week for at least 4 hours of treatment each day.
When would someone need an IOP?
We certainly want to offer the IOP alternative to clients who need immediate help and can't wait for bed space in our partner residential treatment facilities. Otherwise, the IOP option is suitable for anyone who cannot or will not commit to a restrictive residential treatment program. If money is a concern, IOP options are much less expensive than residential treatment.
Consult with our admissions team today and speak with a real human who understands your situation.
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